Memorial Day Weekend

Since we don’t go away this weekend, we usually spend our time planting the garden and chasing away the rabbits.

Where did March go????

Hopefully I’ll be able to start posting a little more often now. With the warmer weather coming, I hope to be outside taking more pictures and with camping season starting soon I’m sure that I will have some stuff to post.

Recovering old posts

I don’t think that I’m going to be able to recover any more of the old posts. I was able to import the last rss feed from the old site into WordPress but it seems that Thingamablog was only setup to save the last 5 or so posts in the rss file.


Well after trying several blog templates I’ve settled on this one for now.

New look

  We now have a new look…. Due to my old blogging software (Thingamablog) dying on me (killing my database) I now have to start all over again. I will try in the next few weeks to get my old links back up and some of the past pictures if possible.